Category Archives: Primary 1

P1 Subtraction

Our P1 learners are refining their skills as they learn about subtraction. We loved our active number lines with our furry teddy friends, got very competitive as we subtracted our bowling scores and hop scotched our way down the board subtracting the dice number. Well done P1, keep up the good work.

Banking Experts

Today P1 put their skills in to practise that they observed in the bank. We loved using our skills as a cashier to sort coins using the real sorting trays. Our smartboard game helped us to count accurately. We know what different amounts look like in pounds and pence. P1 have been working so hard to get better at addition because we want to be as fast as the cashiers! Super job P1!

What A Wednesday!

Today was a super day for all of the infants here at Ravenswood. We braved the elements and marched up to Cumbernauld Town Centre to visit the Royal Bank of Scotland. Everyone was so nice and helpful teaching us how to be excellent cashiers and telling us what we can do to be super savers.

We checked the money carefully and used our skills in a real bank. We have our own bank now in school so we will be experts! After our visit to the bank we stopped by Tesco. We were looking for different items on our shopping list and comparing Fairtrade items to their regular counterparts. P1 and P1/2 found the Fairtrade symbol independently as we searched for bananas, coffee and chocolate. What a busy day! Tomorrow we are analysing our results. Keep checking our posts to find out more.

Maths Week in P1

Today we started Maths week with great success. We all are able to sort coins, identify coins and know what features are on bank notes. Miss Hawthorn can’t wait to see our own note designs.

Busy busy!

Primary 1 had a very busy day back at school. Everyone enjoyed the Easter holidays and shared their exciting news to the class with talking Ted. I loved reading their news all about their time off. After break P1 enjoyed using analogue clocks to learn about time. We are experts at working together and reading o’clock times.

After lunch we practised our spelling outside. It was a beautiful day and we used chalk to reinforce our common words. It was lovely seeing our playground come alive with colourful learning by all of our P1 learners. Great job everyone!

As it was so nice we had an active treat to finish our day. We played on the pirate ship and climbed on the trim trail. Many learners challenged themselves to climb on parts of the trim trail that they had never been on before. We are growing and learning every day. Keep it up P1, soon you will be able to complete it all!

New Arrivals

Primary 1 are learning about the life cycle of a chick. They are very lucky as they had a delivery of 10 eggs at the beginning of the week. This week those 10 eggs have hatched successfully and now P1 are looking after 10 beautiful chicks. Every day our learners visit the staff and classes to give us their ‘chick chat’. We will keep you posted with any more news as they begin to grow.