Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1 learn about Measure!

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Primary 1 are learning about Measure through problem based learning activities and purposeful play.  In our classroom we have a “Science Lab” to help us learn about capacity, a “Dinosaur Park” to help us learn measure vocabulary, a “Construction Site” to help us learn about length and a “Bakery” to help us learn about weight.  We had great fun using our interactive areas to practise our measuring skills on Number Day!

Primary 1’s Active Maths!

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Primary 1 are learning about Addition in Maths.  Active games help us to problem solve and use different strategies in new learning contexts.  We love playing the “Double or half it” game by throwing the correct beanbag into the cup, making “spider doubles” using the pegs, using the “addition machine” and playing addition games on the Smart Board.  In Maths, we work co-operatively and independently to develop our mathematical skills.

A Scottish afternoon in p1 and p1/2

We had a great afternoon on Thursday. Primary 1 and primary 1/2 got together and used our Scotland topic to learn new skills. We made porridge with Miss Purdon, designed Scottish thistles with Mrs Patterson, practised measuring with Mrs Devine and created our own Scottish buildings and structures. Some pupils also got the chance to play in our But “n” Ben. Mrs Simpson worked with a group of children who took photographs to evidence our learning. Check out our fabulous photos!

Skye and Summer (2)

Angus and AJ (3)

Craig and Lewis B (10)

Angus and AJ (7)