Primary 1/2


A look at P.E. and Forest School throughout the week…

Forest School 5.3.25

Golden Book, February

There is no better way to end the school day than spending time with this wonderful bunch from P1 and P/2.  Mrs H was so lucky to hear all about their learning and the fun things going on in the class.  Reading, writing and learning abut money!  The royal ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ even made an appearance.  Well done!


Home Learning

Please see options for home learning below should you choose to do so.

Literacy Support Booklet (2) 2020

Scotland Homework Grid (infants)

P2 Literacy Homework Jan. AR AND LS docx

P2 Literacy Homework Jan. AR AND LS docx


Mr oy and Mrs Oi PowerPoint

Have fun learning about the oy/oi family! How many phoneme words can you spot?

Mr oy Mrs Oi



Golden Book with the P2 learners from the P1 and P1/2 learning base was pure joy today!  Mrs Hawthorn was blown away by the depth of learning and progress made so far his year.  The Maths and Writing learning experiences sounded super and each learner talked confidently and with a beaming smile on their face.  So proud of you all!











Miss Purdon had a wonderful Golden Book session in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2.  They enthusiastically shared their narrative stories from Writing Lessons and gave a comprehensive tour around the room to demonstrate all things play!

Here is an image of the Golden Book record for October 2023:


Miss R had a great time with some Primary 1/2 Golden Booker-ers! They couldn’t wait to share all of their measurement knowledge, teaching Miss R when to use millilitres and when to use centimetres. They also shared their recent success at the Christmas Fayre, selling lots of their handmade, festive salt dough decorations. Miss R is SO impressed with all of your hard work!

Golden Book P1-2 1

Golden Book P1-2 2