Busy busy!

Primary 1 had a very busy day back at school. Everyone enjoyed the Easter holidays and shared their exciting news to the class with talking Ted. I loved reading their news all about their time off. After break P1 enjoyed using analogue clocks to learn about time. We are experts at working together and reading o’clock times.

After lunch we practised our spelling outside. It was a beautiful day and we used chalk to reinforce our common words. It was lovely seeing our playground come alive with colourful learning by all of our P1 learners. Great job everyone!

As it was so nice we had an active treat to finish our day. We played on the pirate ship and climbed on the trim trail. Many learners challenged themselves to climb on parts of the trim trail that they had never been on before. We are growing and learning every day. Keep it up P1, soon you will be able to complete it all!

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