I am writing this letter to notify you of the benefits our school and pupils can have if we acquired some new and shiny playground equipment for our junior and senior yards.
This paragraph is going to be about what kind of equipment we would really appreciate having in our yard and why. I and many other students I’m sure would enjoy having a climbing frame or an assault course in our playground. My personal opinion is that a big piece of equipment would mean more children playing and less children fighting.
I’m writing this letter to inform you of the of the lack of physical reasources in our yards. We know you’re doing you’re best and we really appreciate it I am meerly suggesting some availible options to improve our yards and consiquently pupils behavior in class as well as in the play ground.
My fellow classmates and I feel there’s a lack of activitys to particeapate in durig our playtimes. I belive some playground equipment could improve our social skills greatly. Playground equipment could teach us to take turns,build friendships,improve our confidence and spend time with friends , even assemble new friend ships and over all creat a fitter and more active social life.It could even reunite broken down friendships.
I belive pupils health and well being is a very important issue that needs to be adressed. A family women like yourslef, knows how hard it is to keep everyone occpied I’m sure you know from experience if children are not occupied it can lead to physical and verbal confrontations.
I’m writing to persuade you to buy more playground equipment for the puples in St Patrick’s primary school .Others will agree that the seniors yard does not have any equtment such as benches , football nets ,monkydars,and lots of other equipments.Every other yard has at least something in it but our’s doesn’t have anything.
In my personal opinon ,I think we should get the exacte same amount of equtment as they have.So I think we should get an assultcourse or something like that keep us fit and healthy .
Dear Mrs HagertĀ y I am writing to you at about playground equipment because there is no games to play in our yard pupils are bored and then they will get into trouble.
I have thought of some playground equipment swings, climbing frame , football goals I know you will have to wait there turn on some of these equipment but then they will develop there spcial skills.
Iwould like to notify you that my class mates and I would like some playground equipment . I agree with this idea because of the benefits it will have on us . This playground equipment will keep children occupied there for there will be less fights in the playground that spills into class time. As you know we desperately need to work on our social skills and this could help develop them. This would also make interval more interesting for the pupils of the school. Surely an intelligent person like yourself knows how important physical and mental fitness is to young children.
This playground equipment would also benefit future generations of ST Patrick’s primary.The senior pupils yard is dull and boring for there is nothing to occupy us.To raise money we could do some fund rasing like bingo nights or sponsored walks.
The children in rooms 13 and 14 have been working on their ball skills through a number of possession games. This week they had the chance to choose which games to play from football, kick rounders and dodgeball. Here you can see some videos of them putting their skills into action!
St Patrick's Press Gang – Scoops from the Seniors! St Patrick's is a Primary School in Coatbridge in North Lanarkshire. This blog has been created so we can report on all aspects of life in the seniors department of our school. Come on in and take a look around!