Category Archives: Room 14

compass points

This week Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 have been learning about compass points. We learned to work out the location of different places and to describe their locations using compass points.

Today we were out in the yard using chalk to draw 8 point compass roses on the ground. Then we worked out the location of different places in our local area and we marked them on our compasses.


Pupil Choice in P6 & 7 PE Lessons

The children in rooms 13 and 14 have been working on their ball skills through a number of possession games. This week they had the chance to choose which games to play from football, kick rounders and dodgeball. Here you can see some videos of them putting their skills into action!

St Patrick’s has a Figure Skating Star!

Here in St Patrick’s we have our very own figure skating star and she’s even made a TV appearance! We have a few videos of our superstar in action!