Persuasive Letter Playground Equipment

Dear Mrs Hagerty,

I am writing this letter to advise you about the lack of equipment in our playground.My personal opinion is that we need more playground resources.I think we should aquire some new shiny playground equipment for the juniors and seniors.I think new playground equipment will have a good effect on our fitness and our social skills.

I believe new playground equipment will stop arguments and fights.The reason I think this is because pupils would get less bored and frustrated.I consider this as a good idea.

The type of equipment that would benifit the playground would be football goals since a number of pupils play football and there would be fewer arguments if someone scored a goal.Also,more footballs would be welcome because again there would be less arguments over a ball.In addition monkey bars they would be fun and would build up our muscles.

In conclusion,I would appreciate it if my suggestions would be noted and I recommend that you headteacher would consider them seriously.


Yours sincerely

Aidan Savage

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