All posts by Mrs Matthews

Loch Awe Homework

Pupils in Loch Awe were issued with a fresh homework pack today. We did discuss the following, but in case of any confusion, here is some more information:

Please copy the missing word sheet into the jotter.
Please do a total of 2 spelling activities- one each week. This week’s rule is that “u” always follows “q”. Pupils should check the words they have chosen are spelled correctly before completing any task.
There will be a different rule and different set of words for next week’s task.
Pupils can write on the maths sheets.
Pupils should make a mind-map of an endangered animal of their own choice. Pupils will need to research this and this is the reading element of this homework block. The mind map should be recorded in the jotter.

All work to be handed in by 30th September.

The standard of the homework for Block 1 was high and the return rate was excellent. Thanks for your on-going report.

Parental Engagement Survey

The authority’s Parental Engagement Strategy is currently being revised.

As well as reviewing the practice since the introduction of the Parental Involvement Act 2006, the revised strategy will draw on schools’ current and intended relationship with parents.

To that end a survey has been created for parents to reflect and comment on current practice and suggest how parental engagement might be improved.

For Parents:

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Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who has handed in their donations to the school. We are now so close to our target of £600 with £599.90 being raised so far. If you still have donations to hand in, please do so by the end of the week. This will allow us to order the online teaching resources as soon as possible. Thanks again!

Lost Property

A number of items without names have been left recently. Please put names on everything.
The items listed below will be kept in the school office until the end of this week. If not claimed they will be added to our uniform rail in the foyer and parents may help themselves to any items that they could make use of .

George knitted plain black V-neck Age 6-7
Tesco plain black crew neck sweatshirt Age 6-7 (Name has been scored out)
Tesco plain black crew neck sweatshirt Age 12-13
Plains Primary black sweatskirt Size 30
Plains Primary black sweatskirt Size 34 Age 11-12
Plains Primary black cardigan Size 30