Wednesday 13th May 2020

PE with Joe Wicks 30 minute workout live on YouTube 9am.

Here is a lesson about writing a debate argument.

Here is a lesson about dividing fractions by whole numbers

Here is a lesson about adaptation.

Health and Wellbeing
I have added an assignment on teams about transition to secondary school.  This assignment can be completed by clicking on the assignments tab and then editing the word document.  When you are finished just submit it to me and I will give you feedback. Obviously I would prefer for us to be together in class doing this work with lots of class discussion and working in groups, however for now this is the best we can do. Please do try to complete this assignment if you can as it’s so important to begin preparing you for high school.  You have until Monday 18th May at 4pm to complete this work.

Since we can’t be together as a class I would also like you to share on teams one thing you are looking forward to about high school and one thing that worries you or that you’re not looking forward to. The idea is to reassure and encourage each other just like we would right now if we were in school together. So be positive and constructive with your responses to each other. We’re all in this together, even if we’re not together, and I bet you’ll find that others are feeling exactly the same as you are.

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