Good Morning Everyone

Hi Primary 7!

I hope you are all doing well and managing to keep yourselves occupied.  Remember to be kind and helpful around the house, especially if your parents are working from home.  Also remember to take time out to do what you enjoy and relax as well as doing a bit of schoolwork.

Joe Wicks is doing a daily workout which my kids and I have been doing at 9am each morning.  I thought you might enjoy that too.  It’s so important to keep your body moving and it gives you great energy for the rest of the day.  Here is the link for Monday’s workout
and this is the link for Tuesday’s workout  – go for it!

It’s also a nice idea to keep a diary of ach day.  Write about what you did and how you are feeling. If you have a lovely notebook that you have been saving for something special – now’s the time to use it for this!

I hope you are all keeping each other company via WhatsApp/Instagram etc.  Remember to check in on each other and be kind and supportive to each other.

Hope you’re having a great day!

Mrs MacDonald 😀


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