Overtown Primary School

March 30, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Spring Service

Our Spring Service starts at 1:30pm on Friday in the church.

Children are reminded to wear their school trousers/skirts with a yellow, green, blue or white t-shirt, if possible.

Children will be dismissed from the church at 2:30pm if there is an adult there to collect them. 

March 12, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Cross Country Trials

On the 25th February, the children who attend the cross country after school club took part in the North Lanakrshire Active School’s cross country trials. They did extremely well – for most this was their first experience of a cross country event.

Five of our runners finished in the top 10 of their race which means that they will go on to compete in the finals. Congratulations to Blair, Amber, Iona, Elise and Chloe. The P7 boys team also qualified to run again in the finals – well done boys! OPS are behind you all the way and wish you the best of luck for the finals!




March 12, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Fairtrade Chocolate Brownies

For golden time this week, P4/3 voted to bake! With it being Fairtrade Fortnight, we chose a Fairtrade recipe for chocolate brownies. The children followed the recipe carefully and the end result was DELICIOUS! Have a look at some of their reactions when the children took a bite of their hard work!

March 10, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Fantastic Fairtrade Fortnight

The boys and girls of the Health and Eco Committees have done an amazing job of leading Fairtrade Fortnight again this year.

The breakfast club has been a huge success – we even had some extra guests each morning in the form of Parent Council members who were on duty for ticket sales!  Feedback from the children has been very positive. They are looking forward to having a regular breakfast club in Orchard Primary.

The smoothies and Fairtrade tuckshop have been popular too!

Fairtrade Fortnight was rounded off today at assembly with a play performed by some of the Health and Eco members. They did a great job of putting across a very important Fairtrade message. Well done to all involved.

Finally, I’d like to say a special thanks to all Health and Eco members for their help over the past two weeks. They have given up their own time to ensure that this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight was fantastic! THANK YOU! 🙂

March 7, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Parent Council’s Closure Event – Overtown’s Final Fling!

The Parent Council have organised a family ceilidh/disco as a way of marking the closure of the school. On the night there will be a buffet, photo booth, balloon modelling, raffle and a magician!

From this week, tickets for the event are now available to former pupils and staff.



Event Details

Date: Saturday 30th April

Venue: Alona Hotel, Strathclyde Park

Time: 6:00pm – 11:00pm

Tickets are priced at £10

Tickets are available to purchase in the school every day between 8:50am and 9:10am and 2:45pm and 3:10pm.

Please contact the school or a member of the Parent Council for more information.

March 7, 2016
by Miss Sommerville

The What’s On for this Week.

Monday 7th March

Fairtrade Smoothie Sale and Tuckshop

Handball after school club for P7


Tuesday 8th March

Fairtrade Breakfast Club for P4/3

Fairtrade Tuckshop

Soccer/Athletics after school club – p5/6

Card Club for P6


Wednesday 9th March

Fairtrade Breakfast Club for P3/2

Fairtrade Tuckshop

P6 trip to the Theatre Royal to see Goodnight Mister Tom.  The children should bring a packed lunch.  They can bring a small snack to take to the Theatre.

Football after school club – p6/7


Thursday 10th March

Fairtrade Breakfast Club for P2/1

Fairtrade Tuckshop

Dance after school club for P5/4


Friday 11th March

Fairtrade Smoothie Sale and Tuckshop

P4 to Tennis Festival in Wishaw Sports Centre.  Children should come to school in their sports kit and bring their disco clothes with them.

Disco at Castlehill.  Children should come to school dressed for the disco.

March 3, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Overtown’s Final Fling – Ticket Sale

Just a little reminder that tomorrow is the last day of the ‘exclusive sale’ of tickets to current pupils and families. Tickets are available to purchase from 8:50am-9:10am and 2:45pm – 3:10pm in the school.

From Monday next week, the sale will be opened up to former staff and pupils. Tickets can be bought every day between 8:50am – 9:10am and  2:45pm – 3:10pm.



February 19, 2016
by Miss Potts

Fun at Castlehill Primary

Primary six had a great time at Castlehill Primary School on Wednesday. The classes participated in a variety of events such as an obstacle course, played snooker and decorated pancakes.

Thomas P – I enjoyed going on the space hoppers! It was awesome!

Clare – I really enjoyed going on the assault course. Some parts were scary!

A-Jay – I liked going through the tubes in the obstacle course. Thomas S even got stuck.

Jay – I really enjoyed Castlehill because we got to decorate pancakes. I had literally all of the toppings!

February 18, 2016
by Miss Gibb

P1-3 Movie Afternoon

Yesterday afternoon, Primary 1-3 from both Overtown and Castlehill primaries enjoyed watching “Monsters University” and eating delicious snacks at Overtown Primary.

This was another opportunity for primary 1-3 to meet their peers that they will be working alongside in the new school.

Here are some of Primary Three’s comments on the afternoon:

Delia: “I enjoyed the movie and I had fun talking with Castlehill Primary pupils.”

James G: “I liked watching the film and eating the snacks. I saw my friends Craig and Jack from Castlehill Primary.”

Jaiden: “I was totally amazed, I didn’t know we were going to watch Monsters University.”

Christopher T: “I enjoyed watching Monsters University and meeting my friend, Jack.”

Aaron: “I enjoyed watching the movie and meeting new friends.”



February 17, 2016
by Miss Gibb

Golden Time at Castlehill!

This afternoon, Primary 4-7 ventured down to Castlehill Primary to take part in a whole range of fun activities with their friends there.

The activities included; football, pool, foosball, basketball, enjoying a pancake with lots of toppings, playing the wii and an exciting assault course!

The children all had a great time and enjoyed having another opportunity to mix with their friends at Castlehill Primary.

Here are some comments from P4:

Freddie: “It was an extremely fun afternoon at Castlehill.”

Kian: “It was epic going across the assault course using the ropes.”

Rio: “I think that it was really, really fun and when we move into the new school I hope that we do something like that again.”

Ethan: “I thought the pancakes were delicious and the assault course was amazing.”

Connor C: “I had a great time and I hope we do it again some time soon.”

Connor R: “I liked climbing across the ladder on the assault course.”

James C: “I enjoyed making two new friends, they were called James and Ethan.”

Cyra-Lee: “I enjoyed the assault course.”

Amir: “It was a really great afternoon at Castlehill.”

Ellie: “I enjoyed playing on the trampoline.”

Chris P: “I loved playing in the soft play area and somersaulting into the ball pool.”

Khai: “It was a good afternoon and I liked playing pool.”

Jessica: “It was a great afternoon and my favourite part was eating pancakes and playing in the ball pool.”

Leah: “I enjoyed eating the pancakes but most of all I enjoyed playing foosball.”

Kaila: “I enjoyed going to Castlehill, doing the assault course and eating pancakes.”

Adam: “I liked playing in the ball pool because there was a tunnel and two mirrors.”

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