We continue to welcome children into our nursery and I am delighted to say they are settling in so well. The nursery boys and girls made banana and raspberry muffins this week. They were delicious and healthy and lots of fun to make.
Our Primary One children had their photograph taken for the Motherwell Times this week. It is a beautiful photograph and should be in the paper over the next few weeks.
Our whole school waved and cheered for the procession for the Relics of St Terese. The procession was led by a pipe band and attracted many visitors from all over. Our Primary 6 children were lucky to participate in Holy Mass and venerate the relics. Their behaviour was outstanding and we are immensely proud of them. It was a special and reverent occasion, which we are sure they will always remember.
Next week some of the staff will continue their inter-authority moderation work by visiting South Lanarkshire and making plans for this academic year.
On Friday we will celebrate First Friday Mass as a whole school at 10 o’clock in St. Francis Xavier’s. We warmly welcome friends and family back to the school for our coffee morning, hosted by Primary 7. If you would like to contribute to the raffle, it would be very much appreciated. Any offerings of home or store bought baking would also be welcomed.
I hope you have had a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday morning – bright eyed and bushy-tailed, as they say.
Miss Lewis