Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

August 25, 2024
by Mrs Semple

W/b 26th August 2024

Our children (and staff) survived the first full week and we are already up and running with our curriculum.  I look forward to holding our first assemblies on Monday, which will be split in to P1-3 and P3/4-P7.  The focus of our assembly will be ‘Strive to Thrive’ and Article 31 of the UNCRC.  Strive to Thrive is a school policy which details the responsibilities of our stakeholders (including our children) and ensures our children achieve their potential. Article 31 supports children’s right to play.  Our Lady and St Francis PS achieved the Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award last year and it is important to us that all children know and can exercise their rights.

We have been adjusting our playground over the last week to ensure all our children have a safe place to play and have access to a variety of playground games and equipment.  Over the last year or so we have invested heavily in playground equipment that encourages adventure, curiosity, agility and problem solving.  If you have any equipment at home that you no longer need that could be used in our playground, we would appreciate the donation.  Items such as bike helmets, wellington books, skipping ropes, hula hoops, tyres, stones, bark, old kitchen utensils (for our mud kitchen) are welcomed.  Our nursery are also looking for donations of books.

The diocese are welcoming a visit from Papal Nuncio this weekend.  Please refer to the church’s website and X to see the events, including a mass in our grotto on Sunday 1st September.

I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely weekend.  Please see below for our events this week and our lunch menu.

August 18, 2024
by Mrs Semple

W/e 16th August 2024

Well done to all the children who started Our Lady and St Francis Primary this week.  We are delighted to welcome 52 Primary One children and 14 other pupils between P2 and P7.  You have already settled in so well and I am sure you will experience  lots of great successes at OLSF!

Our monthly newsletter will be sent out this week, which also includes the PE days.  If this has not reached your inbox by close of business on Monday, please contact the school office to confirm the email address we hold for you.

Please find below the menu and events for the week.  I look forward to seeing everyone this week for the first full week – expect some very tired children by Friday.

Mrs Semple

December 3, 2023
by Mrs Semple

W/e 1st December 2023

The whole school attended church on Friday for First Friday Mass which was led by P7a.  They later sang a medley of Christmas songs alongside P7b at our Coffee Morning.  Thank you to everyone who attended and thank you for the tremendous generosity shown.  The Parent Council raised over £200!

P7 had their first taster of a high school maths lesson on Thursday when two members of Taylor High School maths Department came to visit.  This will continue in to next week.

Looking towards next week, we will start the week with a whole school Advent Service and Assembly.  Monday is also non-uniform day to raise funds for our church.  We will gather to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Church on Monday 4th December at 7pm.  All welcome.

P5/6 and P6 have been successful in reaching the Top 10 in the Regent Choir Shopping Centre Competition.  Please vote for them at musicdance.co.uk/choir.  They will perform at the shopping centre this Tuesday at 11 o’clock.  If you are available please come along and support them.

We also have the performances of our Infant Nativity, which the children have been practising for many weeks.  We are delighted to have sold so many tickets and hope everyone enjoys the show.

Friday is Christmas Jumper and Movie Day.  Children can bring a small snack for the afternoon movie.

October 8, 2023
by Mrs Semple

W/e 6th October 2023

4 children and Mrs Taggart represented our school at the annual MISSIO mass on Monday.  We will soon be collecting for our MISSIO appeal.

The whole school will attended church on Friday for First Friday Mass which was led by Mrs Crooks and P6.  P5/6 joined P6 for some throwback singing at the Coffee Morning afterwards.   Thank you to everyone who attended and thank you for the tremendous generosity shown.  The Parent Council raised over £300!

Looking towards next week, we have two assemblies (P1-3/4 on Monday, P4/5-7 on Friday).

The school closes on Friday 13th for the October Week and reopens on Monday 23rd October.

October 1, 2023
by Mrs Semple

W/e 29th September 223

We enjoyed celebrating all things maths during Maths Week Scotland.  The children participated in challenges, quizzes and outdoor maths – please check our photos online.  We have also put the details of some of the competitions on our website.

Many of our fantastic pupils participated in the Outstanding Citizens Party.  Each week a child is chosen from each class (or randomly) for reflecting our school values – caring, kindness, respect, fun, hardworking, faith, honesty and friendship.  These children come together to celebrate their achievement together at a dedicated party.  We are so proud of the children who participated last week and look forward to announcing more Outstanding Citizens over the next few weeks.

Looking forward to next week, we have many Out Of School Hours Learning Clubs (Football, Netball, Basketball, Choir and Multi-sports).

Our weekly assembly will focus on The Rosary and Mrs Taggart will take 4 P6s to the church on Monday to participate in the annual MISSIO Mass.  The whole school will return to the church on Friday for First Friday Mass which will be led by Mrs Crooks and P6.  P5/6 will join them for singing at the Coffee Morning afterwards.  Primary One and Two will receive a visit from Childsmile who will apply fluoride to their teeth.

September 26, 2023
by Mrs Semple

Maths Week Scotland

Why not try some of these ideas as part of Maths Week Scotland.  These have been taken from the Maths Week Scotland website.  Why not upload a photo to X and tag @olsfprimary ?

September 26, 2023
by Mrs Semple

Maths Inside – Photo Competition

Maths inside is a photo competition open to everyone living in Scotland hosted by the University of Glasgow. Can you see the maths inside?

There are three categories

  • Oot an’ aboot
  • The ‘why’of shapes
  • In motion

Upload your photo to X and tag @olsfprimary and #mathsinsideAndOot, #mathsinsideShapes and #mathsinsideMotion



Find out more here https://mathsinside.com/#about

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