Thank you to everyone who joined us at First Friday Mass and then came along to our Coffee Morning. As usual, we had lots of raffle donations and your generosity was greatly appreciated. We raised £183 towards school funds, through our raffle and money draw. P6, P6/7 and P7 also sang the hymn to St. Theresa, in honour of the blessed relics being brought to our church for veneration.
This week our teaching staff joined up with South Lanarkshire Schools to continue our inter-authority moderation. This year we will be looking at the STEM subjects and delivering lessons in South Lanarkshire, similarly our South Lanarkshire friends will be delivering lessons in Our Lady and St Francis. It has been an important and worth-while project and one we hope to benefit from over the next few years.
Our nursery children visited the local post office. The postal workers were wonderful to our children and gave them a tour of the post office and explained how it works. The children read The Jolly Postman and enjoyed learning where our letters go.
Looking towards next week, our choir will continue to practice with Mrs Cahill and Mrs Ewart. Last week they had extra tuition and hopefully they will soon be ready to give us a proper performance.
Thank you for your continued support and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Miss Lewis