Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

Week Ending 7th June 2019


Our Primary 6 and Primary 7 Confirmandi pupils enjoyed a retreat that was led by Mrs McMahon over at the Grotto last week.  Our Primary 7 pupils then took part in the annual Wear Yellow Walk at Strathclyde Park on Wednesday.  Primary 7’s busy week continued on Friday afternoon, when a group represented our school at Taylor High School to compete in the Public Speaking Competition.  They did very well and Mrs Crooks was very proud of their efforts.

On Saturday we had a very successful Summer Fayre.  This was organised by our Parent Council who worked exceptionally hard to ensure the event was a success.  A massive thank you to our Chairperson, Mrs Cashill, for overseeing the whole thing and ensuring it ran so smoothly.  A massive thank you to all parents and members of the community who came along to help or support this event.  A final thank you also to the hard-working staff who attended and helped out at the event, and their extended family members too!

Looking to our week ahead, His Lordship, Bishop Toal will be visiting our Confirmandi pupils on Tuesday morning.  Our pupils will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation which takes place on Thursday 20th June.

On Friday, weather permitting, we are hoping to host our annual sports’ day.  As you know, this was rescheduled due to weather, so fingers crossed mother nature will be kind to us on Friday and we can go ahead.


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