Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

Week Ending 12th May 2017


Our week began with some of our P4 children going to Church for confessions, in preparation for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.

On Tuesday and Wednesday Ed Griesl spent time with our P6 children, talking to them about bullying.  He commented most positively on our lovely children.  Our Primary 4 children had a lovely Retreat on Tuesday, led by Mrs McMahon.

On Wednesday, some  of our Pupil Council attended a North Lanarkshire event and represented our school well.  Wednesday was also day two of our Infant Inductions.  The feedback we have received from this is overwhelmingly positive and it was lovely to see our new Primary 1 children again.

On Thursday, Mr Maxwell took some of our football team to a Football Festival and he said our children did themselves proud.

On Saturday, we had the first of our First Holy Communion.  The sun may not have been shining, but I’m sure the children had a beautiful day regardless.  They did so well in Church, and were a credit to themselves, the school and their parents.

Looking to our week ahead, Mrs Shearer and Mrs Taggart will accompany our Euroquiz team to Scottish parliament to compete against teams from around Scotland.  There is a live feed for this event, and you can watch their progress by clicking on this link:  http://www.scottishparliament.tv/

On Thursday we are having an Outdoor Learning Day, planned by Mr Maxwell.  Regardless of the weather, we will be outdoors so please make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoors.  It looks set to be a very exciting day and I’m certain the children will get a lot out of it.

The Scholastic Book Fair will arrive in school on Friday in advance of our upcoming Parents’ Evening.

On Saturday, the other half of Primary 4 will make the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. Francis Xavier’s Church at 11am.

As always, if you have any comments to make regarding our blog, please feel free to do so.

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