P1/2 focused on Lighthouses to support Digital Learning Week

P1/2 have been learning about Lighthouses for our topic.  We used the Literact Shed website and the National Geographic website to support our learning.  We watched videos of lighthouses, learned about them and wrote new facts

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in our jotters.  We love how technology supports our learning 📷💻💕

Digital Learning Week in P1/2

P1/2 are fabulous dancers and enjoyed using Zumba kids and Kidzbop kids today during their PE time to copy dancers and create their own dances.  We love supporting Digital Learning Week 💕💻📷💃

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#RightsRespectingSchool 🤗🥇

As part of our assembly this morning, we came together as a whole school to discuss and share our ideas about what rights should be included in our SCHOOL CHARTER and our PLAYGROUND CHARTER. Here is what we came up with:


Digital Learning Week

From Monday 15th May 2017 we will begin Digital Learning Week in school.  All pupils will be using technologies in different ways in class and we would be grateful if you could support this at home.  If you use technologies in different ways at home make sure you tell your teacher and you could even bring in pictures of your hard work.  Thank you for supporting us in celebrating Digital Learning Week.  Remember to check the website regularly for updates during the week.

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Matilda Production – P7B

Our super talented director Rachel put on an awesome show for the infants on Wednesday 22.3.17. Rachel attends Drama outwith school and was asked by her Drama teacher to direct a production at school to help develop her knowledge and skills of putting on a production. All the children in the class took part and they loved every minute of it, from taking on a role, to dressing up and singing and dancing.

Here is a slideshow of some of the pictures from the production. #superproudofeveryone

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Holistic Assessment/Professional Dialogue

Staff taking part in assessment and moderation. As you can see from the pictures staff were fully engaged in high quality dialogue surrounding holistic assessment and the achievement of a CfE level through moderation (collegiate working).

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