Primary Four’s Educational Visit.
Road Safety Magic Show
We were very lucky to have a visit from the Road Safety Magic Show. We are now armed with lots of facts about how to cross safely and what different signs mean. Some of us were really lucky and got up to take part.
We all know we have to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK!!!
P.s We know a magic word too!!
Some more pictures from our school trip to the Kelpies :)
We know all about our senses
P2 and P3/4 worked together to learn about their senses
P2 and P3/4 love working together
P2 and P3/4 got to work together on some topic tasks ☺️
P4 Can Wrap ;).
The boys and girls in primary four have been learning about healthy eating and put their knowledge into action today. They selected what fillings they wanted and made their own heathy, scrumptious wrap. Some children tried a new food for the first time today too, which is fabulous.
We enjoyed our tasty wraps on the decking in the sunshine.
The SSPCA Visited P4.
P1,P2 and P3/4 learned about the Scottish SPCA
We listened very carefully to our speaker Dawn who told us lots of super facts about the Scottish SPCA 😊
P3/4 can make wonderful patterns
p3/4 have been learning about tiling in class and are excellent at creating their own patterns 🙂