Headteacher Message (Mrs Reid)

I am absolutely delighted to be taking over as AHT of NMPS Primary school and Nursery Class. I am excited about the journey that lies ahead for our school and nursery. Both myself and the staff look forward to welcoming all our children back to school on the 14th August.



Have a Fun Filled October Break

The deadline for completing the HMIe questionnares is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who completed questionnaires for HMIe. If you opted to come to speak with inspectors, you will receive an email invite from them next week. Thank you in advance.

In the meantime, have a fantastic October break from all the staff at NMPS & Nursery.


Online questionnaires for NMPS & Nursery (HMIE Inspection)

Following on from the letter you received tonight (which can also be found on our school and nursery website under the tab: (PARENT AREA – LETTERS TO PARENTS) regarding our HMIE inspection; please find below the links to the HMIE parent/guardian questionnaire for both the school and nursery.

These should be completed online:




A member of staff will be available from 3pm until 4pm each day next week (1st Oct – 5th Oct) if you need access to a computer to complete the questionnaire.

The deadline for completion is Friday 5th October 2018.

School Closure Alert – 19/1/2018

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North Lanarkshire schools closing from 1pm

Due to forecast worsening weather, schools will begin to close to pupils from 1.00pm today.

We are working with contractors to bring forward scheduled school transport

but some transport may arrive after 1.00pm.

Staff will remain with pupils until they are collected.

Important telephone numbers

  • Environmental enquiries – 01698 403110 (including special uplifts and bin collection, road repairs, lighting faults, abandoned vehicles and pest control problems)
  • General enquiries – 01698 403200
  • Housing Repairs – 0800 678 1166
  • Gas/solid fuel heating repairs – 0845 606 1555
  • Homelessness – 0800 953 2424
  • Anti-social behaviour – 0300 123 1382
  • Social Work Emergency Service – 0800 121 4114

Visit www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/winter for more information about our

full range of winter services

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