Whoops A Daisy Angel (part 2)

From the angels, to the snowflakes, to the narrators and the children in the nativity group, all our nursery children did a fantastic job today during their performance.  Their singing and actions were really good and all the nursery staff are delighted with how well they did.  Here are some actions shots from during the performance.

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Whoops A Daisy Angel (part 1)

Today we performed our Nursery Nativity.  All the children did very well and I am sure you will agree they all looked fantastic.  Photos of all the children in their costumes are found below.

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Christmas All Around

Our theme this month has been Christmas all Around.  We have been learning about the nativity and how this is an important celebration in many peoples’ lives.  As part of our learning we have been looking at positive friendships and thinking about the way we should treat our friends.  We have been writing lots of messages to our friends and also to Santa, letting him know what we would like for Christmas.  Numbers have also been a focus and we have been on a number hunt around the school. The photos show a peek at all our busy work.

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Three Reads Literacy Work

One of our favourite stories shared during The Three Reads this month was The Bear under the Stairs, written by Helen Cooper.    We learned about the title and the blurb on the back of the book. At home you may enjoy talking about some of your child’s own books and asking them to show you where the title and blurb are.

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