Parents Champions
‘Parent Champions’ are a group of parents and carers who assist the nursery staff in making decisions about the nursery, help to evaluate our practice and bring new ideas to the nursery. The following parents/carers are currently on this group.
Parent/Carer Name
Child’s Name |
Denise Baxter | Emma Keatings |
Natalie Blaney | Sophia Murphy |
Claire Boyce | Dylan & Kyle Boyce |
Joanne Bryson | Kathryn Bryson |
Nicola Cook | Sean Cook |
Susan Duncanson | Emma Duncanson |
Emma Hill | Logan Thomson |
Kate Johnstone | Stevie Neill |
Stuart McLean | Evie McLean |
Lisa Meechan | Aden Meechan |
Alyson Merrylees | Max Merrylees |
You can join the group at any time and we would encourage you to do so.
Please look out at the Parent’s ‘Read and Respond’ board in the corridor of the Sunshine Room for the date of our next meeting and come along. You’ll be welcome to join us.