Newmains Family Learning Centre

March 26, 2020
by User deactivated


Try some Mindfulness at home together with Louise from DoBeMindful. This is what all our staff are training to deliver to our children in the future. It helps children’s health and wellbeing, emotional regulation and how to acknowledge their feelings by keeping them in the moment.

Louise will be doing a live feed on her YouTube channel every Thursday.


Relax…… And enjoy. ❤️

March 25, 2020
by Charlene Barclay

A lovely poem to help explain things to our little ones

This is so lovely!

Written by Louise Gribbons.

The time we spring cleaned the world 🌍

The world it got so busy,
There were people all around.
They left their germs behind them;
In the air and on the ground.

These germs grew bigger and stronger.
They wanted to come and stay.
They didn’t want to hurt anyone –
They just really wanted to play.

Sometimes they tried to hold your hand,
Or tickled your throat or your nose.
They could make you cough and sneeze
And make your face as red as a rose.

And so these germs took over.
They started to make people ill,
And with every cough we coughed
More and more germs would spill.

All the queens and kings had a meeting.
“It’s time to clean the world up!” they said.
And so they had to close lots of fun stuff,
Just so these germs couldn’t spread.

We couldn’t go to cinemas
Or restaurants for our tea.
There was no football or parties,
The world got as quiet as can be.

The kids stopped going to school,
The mums and dads went to work less.
Then a great big giant scrubbing brush
Cleaned the sky and the sea and the mess!

Dads started teaching the sums,
Big brothers played with us more,
Mums were in charge of homework
And we read and played jigsaws galore!

The whole world was washing their hands
And building super toilet roll forts!
Outside was quiet and peaceful,
Now home was the place for all sports.

So we played in the world that was home
And our days filled up with fun and love,
And the germs they grew smaller and smaller
And the sun watched from up above.

Then one morning the sun woke up early,
She smiled and stretched her beams wide.
The world had been fully spring cleaned,
It was time to go back outside!

We opened our doors oh so slowly
And breathed in the clean and fresh air.
We promised that forever and always
Of this beautiful world we’d take care!


Stay safe 🌍

March 25, 2020
by Charlene Barclay

Rainbow Trail

With Schools and Nurseries being closed across the country, children are being asked to distance themselves socially and are being encouraged to boost morale in this moving way.

Colourful pictures of rainbows have started appearing in windows around the UK during this time of isolation.  Children are being encouraged to put up their pictures to spread love and hope to others at this very difficult time.  Why not tweet some of your pictures to us! 


March 25, 2020
by Charlene Barclay

Learning about hygiene when baking

The children have been practising the correct handwashing routine.  They have been learning about the importance of hand washing and why it is very important when handling food.  Children are being reminded to keep their hands away from their face, especially when handling food. 


March 25, 2020
by Mrs Campbell

The children in the Green Group have been listening and recalling the story of the ‘Owl Babies’

The children in the Green Group have participated in the Three Read Initiative.  We introduced the story ‘Owl Babies.’  The children were able to listen and retell the story of the Owl Babies using their own words and also words and phrases from the story. The children were able to identify the characters within the story and discuss the events which took place. The children were also able to identify the problem in the story and discussed how the problem got resolved.


March 22, 2020
by User deactivated


Please help keep our staff and children safe and follow NLC guidance of attending nursery for keyworker staff only. Thank you for your continued support. ❤️

March 20, 2020
by Charlene Barclay


Message to Parents/Carers

Parents and carers are advised that North Lanarkshire Council Communications team are preparing to release information as soon as possible through its normal communication channels regarding the closure of schools to pupils from today. This will include

· Arrangements for children of key workers (including clarification of who Key Workers are)

· Clarfication of arrangements for S4-S6 pupils for SQA accreditation purposes

· Arrangements for those children requiring free school meals from Monday onwards

· Arrangements for children with additional support needs from Monday

Further information will be available through your school’s normal communication channels from Monday onwards.

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