
Safe! Respected! Achieving!

We are a caring, nurturing school

where everyone is included.

Growing Together To Succeed!

Welcome to Netherton Primary’s blog.

Hopefully, you will find anything you wish to know about our school on this site and also on our Twitter page @NethertonPS where you will find information and photographs about our current learning.

We are excited about  moving forward this session in our learning, our achievements and working together as a school community. There will be many opportunities for parents and families to engage in our children’s learning and activities.

We welcome thoughts, opinions and suggestions from our community: please contact the office on 01698 522721 0r via the school enquiries : enquiries-at-netherton@northlan.org.uk

We look forward to working with you.

Kind regards,

Fiona Easton

Head Teacher

Netherton Primary School – P1 Transition

Calling all new P1’s (and their parents!)

Please find some useful information regarding our transitions this session on the ‘Starting Primary School Page’. You will find this under the Transitions tab above.

Transition materials will also be posted out to parents and carers. If you wish further information, please contact either Mrs Easton or Mrs Kesley: ht@netherton.n-lanark.sch.uk , kesleyr@netherton.n-lanark.sch.uk

Transition Powerpoint


Transition Leaflet

Spring Greetings

Thank you for all your kind messages over the last few days. We really appreciate them. Please find attached April’s newsletter and a support leaflet created by Miss Yates

NPS home school support 2 Newsletter April 2020 (2).

Class teachers are online through the school day supporting home learning and we are really enjoying keeping in contact with you all.

We are trying our very best to contact all families: if you have not heard from us over the next few days, please contact either Miss Yates or me on the following emails.

Please keep safe and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

With kindest regards,

Fiona Easton

ht@netherton.n-lanark.sch.uk  (Fiona Easton) and

kesleyr@netherton.n-lanark.sch.uk  (Miss Yates)



Important Information

If you are a key worker, please note: we will be closing some schools from tomorrow, Tuesday 24 March.
We will let you know this evening which schools your child can attend instead.
This is for children of key workers only, who have no alternative childcare.
We will update you on Twitter, Facebook and the council website this evening.

Week Beginning 23rd March

Please note that tomorrow the school is open only to children of key workers – it is not business as usual. Even then, children should only be sent if no other option for childcare. We are operating with reduced staffing and trying to reduce spreading infection.

Please enter the school through the main entrance tomorrow. Children must be brought in by an adult; adult must then speak with a member of management team. Again, we have to emphasise that children should only be brought to the school if there is no childcare option.

All parents/carers will be asked to provide relevant information with regards to their employment and working patterns.  In this instance, please pay particular attention to the Key Workers Pro Forma registration form.  If you can fill this in before bringing your child/children to school tomorrow it will minimise waiting time. (See attachments below)

Please read all attached letters carefully for full information on arrangements for week beginning 23rd March.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation at this time.

Parental Letter
Key Workers Pro Forma

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