Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 1, 2020
by User deactivated

Shadow Art

Have a go at creating some shadow art.

Set up toys on paper and  draw once the shadows hit. Try drawing at different times of day and experiment with the angle of the sun and the shadows it creates as you track its journey across the sky. You can draw right on the pavement with chalk, too. Pick toys with distinctive outlines.

Upload your results to the Teams area if you get a chance.

May 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Be sun safe

it is going to be hot today and over the weekend. Stay safe in the sun.

HAT, SPLAT, WRAP, COOL IN THAT!  Is our quick and easy way to remind to ourselves about how to protect  from the harmful rays of the sun.

May 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Our Final Rosary

Here are the links to the fourth and fifth Glorious Mysteries.

Don’t forget to log into Mass this weekend to see if you can spot your artwork. Sunday is a special feast day so celebrate with your families.


May 28, 2020
by User deactivated

Twitter Alert for Primary 4

Have a look on Twitter to see your the message you helped created. I loved seeing all your faces and hearing your voices. Do your recognise the hymn playing in the background? There are many beautiful May hymn this happens to be my favourite.  We were very luck Mr Kris Thomas who plays the organ and runs St Joseph’s choir recorded it for us. A big thank you to all who took part, Fr Kenny, Fr Rooney, Mrs Reilly ( I picked out that poem about parents watching children grow and felt a lump in my throat reading it to myself – well done for getting through it without a sob!) also to Miss McCracken who did all the technical wizardry.

May 28, 2020
by User deactivated

Third Glorious Mystery

This links to Pentecost Sunday. I hope you have all created your hearts and sent them to Fr. Kenny. If not don’t worry there is still time.

A beautiful day, why not say your Rosary outside in the garden.

May 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Cycle Safely

Well done to all who took part in Sports Day. The clips were great to see. Another way we have all been keeping fit is going for bike rides. This post contains some safety tips when out and about on your bike.

Cycle safety for children

Cycling is a fun and healthy way for your child to get around, but there are dangers to be aware of. By setting a good example and making sure your child is trained and has the right clothing and equipment, you can help keep them safe.

Setting a good example

The best way to help your child learn about road safety is to always set a good example yourself. When you’re cycling with your child you should:

  • wear a cycle helmet
  • obey traffic signs, be considerate of other road users and not let yourself be distracted by using a mobile phone or listening to music
  • encourage them to notice and discuss what they see around them on the road
  • make sure they know that when they’re on the road they need to concentrate and watch out for other road users all the time
  • encourage them to take their own decisions – they shouldn’t blindly follow what others are doing without making their own checks first
  • practice judging speed and distance with them
  • help them work out the safest routes for the journeys they make

Different Types of cycle paths

Road safety rules for kids

  • don’t jump red lights or cycle on the pavement unless it’s a designated cycle path;
  • signal clearly at all times;
  • ride in a position where you can see and be seen;
  • make eye contact with other road users, especially at junctions, then you know they’ve seen you;
  • when riding at night always use a working white front light and red backlight, plus a red rear reflector – it’s the law.

If you’re cycling on paths shared by walkers, wheelchair users, and horse riders:

  • don’t go too fast – it can intimidate others;
  • use your bell to let others know you are approaching, but don’t assume they can hear or see you;
  • give way to others and always be prepared to slow down and stop if necessary;
  • keep left or on your side of any dividing line;
  • be careful at junctions, bends or entrances.


May 26, 2020
by User deactivated

Moonbeams Literacy and Numeracy Tasks

Dear Moonbeams, remember to do your RE tasks. Don’t forget your heart for Father Kenny.

This week’s reading task is linked to sports day.

Moonbeam Sports Day Reading 25th May


Watch this video about repeated addition

Can you find things around your house to make equal groups? You could use toys, coins, shapes or anything you like.

Main Task

Try drawing and writing about the sets or groups of things below:


May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Week beg. 25th May

Hello Primary 4,

I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend and are ready for Sports Day. Events are being upload via twitter and Facebook. You can see a timetable on the St Joseph’s Glow page.

This is the only activity for today have fun!

This week’s tasks:

I uploaded some information about the First Communions yesterday, remember to take a look.

You have a couple of tasks to complete for Father Kenny.

Remember your singing – I’m getting quite good at the first song so looking forward to singing along to the second. Quite an interesting story..who will in the battle. See the opera post below this one.

Literacy and Numeracy Tasks are posted in Teams all have a sports theme. The numeracy/mathematics task is a problems solving mystery. We have covered all the concepts introduced and completed similar tasks in school. Remember to cross out children no longer suspects!

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