This week we are going to make a small change to how I share the classwork with you. Instead of getting everything daily. I am going to put up ALL the tasks for the week on a Monday.
Green for Go!
You have to do all the green tasks first. Once you have completed these tasks you can move on to the yellow tasks. I have put up some blue challenge tasks which you get to try when you have completed all the green and yellow.
You can decide the when you do your tasks. I have sent a letter to your parents via Glow explaining the changes to them.
Following Instructions in Teams
The literacy and numeracy tasks will still be in Teams. Just follow the order of the tasks. I know some of you are having problems following the instructions for the tasks so watch this little clip – it will help you hear the instructions!
This next video clip shows you how to get the worksheets read aloud to you. It is quite an easy process. The good think about this is you don’t need to wait for an adult to read it to you. You can listen yourself as often as you need.
Here are the weekly timetables for tasks for each group. Use these to plan your week. Remember you need to do the green literacy, numeracy, HWB, IDL and RE tasks first!
Literacy Lollipops
Lollipop Literacy Tasks for Week Beg
Literacy Candy
Candy Literacy Tasks for Week Beg
Literacy Cookie
Cookie Literacy Tasks for Week Beg
Numeracy and Maths
Squares and Triangles Weekly Tasks
Square and Triangle Numeracy 18th January
Circles Weekly Tasks
All other weekly tasks
Links for IDL and other areas.
How to draw Islamic geometric patterns