Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Word of the Day for Monday

Good morning boys & girls I hope you’re all well and that you had the chance to make to most of the wintry weather last week. The word to register for online learning today is toboggan. Do you know what I’m referring to?

Just a reminder that Mr McCloskey will be hosting an assembly this morning for the upper school at 11am, hopefully you’ll be able to join us on Teams.

Remember Mr McCloskey set you a positive mindset challenge, he wanted to know about new things you’ve been doing or an activity that you have found hard but that you are showing determination to keep trying with.

February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Literacy for Monday – Spelling

We have a return to common words this week for the spelling. Please complete the activities set in the Powerpoint below. If you can, copy the words out on to a post-it pad and place it somewhere in the house that you can review as the week goes on. Perhaps another family member could test you spelling the words aloud each day?

15th Feb CW

February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Literacy for Monday – Grammar

For the grammar today your task is to proofread the passage below, to spot the errors then to rewrite the text with the corrections included. There are twenty mistakes to rectify. I’ll post the answers to this at the end of the day, so please check in this afternoon in order to self assess your passage and remember to let me know how you got on.

Proof Reading Soccer

February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Maths for Monday

If you haven’t as yet checked your email, please do so this morning as you’ll require the Studyladder login details for the starter today.

  1. I have set Studyladder to Money related activities for the week ahead. Aim to complete this before going to the second activity.
  2. We have covered Money and are now ready to complete the 3R’s activity just as we would in school when nearing the end of a unit of work. I have attached the first part below. Ideally email your work to me as an attachment, checking that your photo is clear and includes all your work. I will then be able to mark it and keep a record of your score.  The page today is non-calculator so it’s important that you show your working.

Money 3r’s Part 1

February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Art for Monday

As you know, over the last few weeks the art has involved an aspect which linked back to the Victorian era and the activity today is no different.

Today you’ll be thinking about Paisley Pattern. Queen Victoria was said to be a fan.

  1. Read the detail contained in the Powerpoint.
  2. Watch the short video on how to create the Paisley Pattern.
  3. Give it a go for yourself, either by using the templates attached or try freehand as shown in the video. I’d be keen to see your artwork as I know how creative you all are.

All About Paisley Pattern

Paisley Pattern Mindfulness


February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

R.E. for Monday

The first activity I have for you today is to watch the short video for this week’s children’s liturgy all about how Jesus heals.

The second activity I have is something that you will have all week to work on and this marks the start of your preparation for Confirmation.

If we had been in school you would be issued with your Confirmation workbook and split between home & school conversations & activities you would complete the workbook week by week in the run up to you making your Confirmation with the Bishop in Church.

Now while we haven’t any sure plans of what the Confirmation Mass will be like, we can absolutely still prepare.

With this in mind, I’ll attach a school & home activity each week for you to complete. Speak to the adults at home about when would be a good time in the week for you to work on this. I’ll post links to bible passages that should be useful. 

The activities are clearly explained and act as a really good tool in setting your thoughts out for Confirmation, remember we have already worked on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as part of the Pope Francis Faith Award journal.

If there are any problems, please let either myself or Mrs Baxter know and we’ll do our best to help you out.

At the start of each school & home session there is a page of information for the adults at home to read through with a bit of background information.

Confirmation School-Home 1

Link to short video of bible passage from Luke –

Link to short video of bible passage from Mark –

This website may also be useful when sourcing passages from the bible –

February 14, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

P.E. for Monday

I know many of you will have made the most of last week’s snow for your daily exercise which was fantastic.

You may have already heard ‘Get Fit February’ mentioned and Mr McCloskey is aiming to do the ‘Couch to 5k’ fitness challenge. It’s important for our mental wellbeing that we keep physically active. Click on the link above for lots of options & ideas.

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