February 21, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow
The word to register for online learning today is befuddled.
World Book Day is coming up next Thursday, 4th March, keep this in mind as I’m keen to know what personal reading you are doing at home.
Just a reminder that we have an upper school assembly at 11am this morning on Teams.
You’ll recall that at our class catch up last Wednesday, Mrs Baxter asked for volunteers to help with the P7 Lenten Prayer sessions.
I’ll be preparing these while in school today and I would hope the first will take place this week so I really need your help. The prayer sessions will come from the red book we often use in class and I’ll email you your part in plenty of time.
If you’re happy to take part be sure to let me know today. Don’t forget this would be great evidence for your Pope Francis Faith Award journal.