Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

February 23, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Maths for Wednesday

1. When I checked at 3.45pm on Tuesday, there were twelve of you still to give the quiz, ‘Dazzling Data’ a go. If you’ve not yet logged in, please aim to do so today.

2. Now often on a Wednesday maths would involve problem solving of some sort. Today it’s a little different, as I’m looking for you to carry out your own investigation.

Practical Maths for Wednesday

While you may not be in class to carry out a survey, you could ask family members or if you’re allowed email or message your classmates to ask questions in order to gather data for your survey. If it’s too tricky to message others why not invent your detail?

Remember to use a ruler when drawing any tables or graphs and label clearly. I look forward to seeing your results.

3. The website below is worth a look when we thinking about data.


February 23, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

R.E. for Wednesday

At present, we have four volunteers! YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS YOU. Please email either Mrs Baxter or myself, to add your name to the list for the Lenten prayer services.

A BIG thank you to Odhran, Freya, Nicole & Olivia N. for offering.


Just a reminder that you should be working your way through the second part of the Confirmation workbook when you’ll be researching saints. Please remember the virtual Confirmation Classroom that has links to resources, available on the class Teams channel, within the files section.

February 23, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

I.D.L. for Wednesday

Now you’ll recall that I asked you to listen to the radio drama from the BBC last week. I’ve attached the link below again just in case you need it.

Once you have listened to ‘Without Equal’ your task is to design your own poster to advertise the ‘Rainhill Trials’.

Aim to make your poster look as if it’s from the Victorian era. I’ve attached an image below which could inspire your creative thinking?

February 22, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Word of the Day for Tuesday

The word I’ve chosen to register for online learning today is an example of a word, which I think, just sounds great as you say it, aficionado. Do you know what this word means though?

February 22, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Maths for Tuesday

Well done to the 11 of you who have already completed the quiz on Sumdog, Dazzling Data. Remember you have until the end of the day tomorrow to give it a go and earn yourself a reward!

Today as part of the data work you’ll be thinking about line graphs.

Watch the two clips and complete the two activities here –

If you have a problem opening either of the activities that go with the clips above you can find them here

Emily Line Graph Problems

Holly Line Graph Problems


Personal Interest Project – now you have the opporunity to create your own line graph. Think about what you could record information about. The popularity of your family’s meals, movies or places that you have been, just a few suggestions?

February 22, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

I.D.L. for Tuesday

As I mentioned yesterday, we are at the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight and there are four parts to your task today.

  1. Save any wrappers which have the Fairtrade logo on them. I hope for us to make use of them in art next week.
  2. Read the information contained within this link – Fair Trade PowerPoint
  3. Watch this report & read the detail from CBBC Newsround –
  4. You have free choice as to how many of the activities here you would like to complete from 1 to 9 – Fairtrade Activity Grid wk1
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