Update from NLC on return to full-time school

Good evening

Please see below a statement from North Lanarkshire Council.

Today’s announcement from the Scottish Government outlines the plan to reopen all schools on a full-time basis from August.

We are currently considering the practicalities and implications of this announcement and will await further clarification and guidance from government, particularly in relation to public health and scientific advice.

Our priority is the safety of our pupils and staff across our network of primary, secondary and ASN schools, as well as our early learning and childcare settings.

We understand that you will have questions, and as this news was only announced today, we will make further information available on how this impacts on our schools and facilities in the coming days.

We are preparing for pupils to return full-time to school on 12 August and we will be working closely with our schools and partners, including our early years and childcare provision to establish our plans, which we will communicate as soon as we are in a position to.

Gerard McLaughlin
Head of Education (North)

Update from NLC on return to full-time school

Good evening

Please see below a statement from North Lanarkshire Council.

Today’s announcement from the Scottish Government outlines the plan to reopen all schools on a full-time basis from August.

We are currently considering the practicalities and implications of this announcement and will await further clarification and guidance from government, particularly in relation to public health and scientific advice.

Our priority is the safety of our pupils and staff across our network of primary, secondary and ASN schools, as well as our early learning and childcare settings.

We understand that you will have questions, and as this news was only announced today, we will make further information available on how this impacts on our schools and facilities in the coming days.

We are preparing for pupils to return full-time to school on 12 August and we will be working closely with our schools and partners, including our early years and childcare provision to establish our plans, which we will communicate as soon as we are in a position to.

Gerard McLaughlin
Head of Education (North)

Monday 22nd June 2020

Hello boys and girls,

This would have been our last week of nursery as the summer holidays begin on Wednesday 24th June at 1pm, so this will be our last week of uploads to the Nursery Zone.

We hope you have enjoyed them and made use of the resources, they will all still stay here so you can access them again at any time and we would love for you to keep sharing your photos/videos with us either by pressing the SHARE button in the Nursery Zone or on Twitter.

Please stay updated over the summer holidays by downloading the Mossend Primary App and keeping an eye on the main school website for news of what things will look like in August.

This week . . .

  • Mrs Blevin’s read us a story called “Where there’s a bear, there’s troubl-e!” and as it is the summer holidays you will find LOTS of resources, colouring-in and activities you can do over the break.
  • Mrs Martin has set the final weekly challenge “Outdoor treasure Hunt” and again you will find additional resources there to extend this learning.
  • WATCH OUT ON WEDNESDAY AT 9AM  – A final read-along video by Mrs Blevins especially for those children moving to Primary school after the holidays.
  • Remember, it is family fun week this week so we hope that you will be taking part tonight in Mossend Movie Night (#mossendmovies) starting at 6:30pm,
    tomorrow night is Mossend Quiz Night (#mossendmarvels) starting at 6:30pm – 8:00pm and Wednesday is a Mossend Games Day (#mpsschoolsouts) starting at 10am – 1pm.  Share all your photos/videos on Twitter of you taking part using the hashtags above.

Have a lovely summer, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in August.

All the ladies in the Nursery

School Recovery Plans and FAQ

Good afternoon

Please click on the link below where you will find an updated letter from Derek Brown.


I have also attached an  FAQ sheet for your reference.

Attached are the draft plans for Mossend Primary School.

I am sure that will appreciate this is a draft recovery plan as many things will change before our return.

We have been extremely thorough in our planning and have tried to take into consideration potential difficulties for parents and families. We appreciate that returning to school may present a challenge for working families but we have ensured that all siblings are together and children have been placed in working groups where possible.

I will endeavour to provide you with information as soon as I receive it during the school holidays.

Mrs Paterson

Hello boys and girls


We hope you had lots of fun making Mrs Brown’s ice lollies, your pictures online were fantastic!

  • This week Mrs Brown is reading us a story all about time – there is a fun game you can play too called “What’s the time Mr. Wolf?“.
  • Mrs Johnston is also going to show you how to make Crunchie Fudge for another sweet treat this week.  We have tried this recipe and it is delicious!
  • We have added 3 new play resources for Play Scotland –   Active Play Games, Indoor Play Games and their Home Play Pack.
  • This week is sports week too – Mrs Callander will be posting a different sports
    day video on Twitter each day at 11:30am and we hope you will give them a try.
    Remember to share your photos/videos with us.

For parents/carers, please keep an eye on the news section of the Nursery Zone or download the free Mossend Primary School App to stay up to date.  Plans are being finalised for the return of our children to Nursery and you can find the latest letter from North Lanarkshire Council Executive Director in the places mentioned above, in this letter and update is provided on what nursery may look like in August.

We hope you are all keeping safe, we miss you all lots so please keep sharing your work with us on Twitter or by pressing the SHARE button within the nursery zone.

All the ladies

Did you enjoy your holiday?

Hello boys and girls,

We hope you had a lovely May weekend holiday, the sun had gone away for a couple of days, but fingers crossed it is back to stay!  It’s always so much better when it is sunny outside – especially for a scavenger hunt! .

Have a look around this week, we have added new content for you:

  • Mrs Blevins is reading a new story to you called “Owl Babies it is all about 3 little baby owls who are looking for their mummy.  We hope you enjoy.
  • On Friday at 7pm Mrs Brown is reading you a bedtime story! We are very excited to have two stories this week and what a lovely way to end another busy week. So, get your pyjamas on, settle down in bed and let Mrs Brown drift you off to sleep.
  • This week, Mrs Johnston has challenged you to a scavenger hunt. Can you find all the items? Remember to share your findings with us and have lots of fun.
  •  Finally, on Sunday it is the Christian holiday of Pentecost and our local community Church, Bellshill Central Church, have asked if the boys and girls could make some crafts for them to share at their service on Sunday.We hope you will get involved with this,  just tweet us a picture or video with your creations on Twitter or upload by pressing the Share button on the top menu bar within the Nursery Zone by Friday. We will then get them sent over to the Church.

    You can find ideas on the Church website: https://bellshillcentral.church/2020/05/25/pentecost-craft-activities/

    And we added some more here:

    Tongues of Fire Role Play
    Story Sequencing
    Jigsaw Puzzle
    Story Writing – Flap Book
    Word Mat

Remember to keep in touch and keep sharing your work on Twitter or within the Nursery Zone.    Stay Safe.

All the Nursery ladies

Nursery Zone

Dear Parent/Carers,

We are excited to launch a dedicated Nursery Zone website for all our children at Mossend Primary Nursery Class.

At this young age, all learning is achieved through play and the Nursery Zone will provide you hints, tips and ideas for play experiences at home, but also contains interactive content to support this including Learning Games, An audio player with 100 songs, Videos and interactive quizzes.

In addition to this, the nursery staff will upload content including a weekly challenge.

We would love to see some of your play and there is an area for you to securely upload photos, videos or comments so that the nursery staff can interact with your child.

You can visit the Nursery Zone at: www.tinyurl.com/mpsnursery

Kind Regards,

Mossend Primary Nursery Staff

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