Category Archives: Uncategorized

My New Class

This is a selection of the things I’ve done so far in my new class room. The only out of school activity I’ve done so far is a football festival, our school drew 2 games and lost 3. Lately in this class I’ve been doing more ICT, I really like it because we don’t just search things, we get to do things more like this. Today is a dress down day which is a day where you just wear whatever you want. It was a £1.00 fee to do it.



Salasburgh (topic)

Or school Kirk o’Shotts has been learning about their own community and one of the  things we have been learning is that there used to be a giant who lived in Salsburgh and robbed people. The giant was called Bertram de Shotts. He got killed by a young man that sliced his hamstrings open so he could not get back up and then chopped Bertram de Shotts’ head off.  We are going to learn lots more about Salsburgh.

By Reese Blackshaw

Dress Down Day


Today we are having a dress down day to raise funds for our partner school St Matthew’s Nursery in Malawi. We all paid £1 to dress down and almost everyone did. So far it has been very fun and it’s only 10:15. Everyone looks brilliant in their clothes I wish school was like this all of the time. I can’t wait for break either my legs are getting sore!