Category Archives: Enterprise

Gerry Durkin

Gerry  Durkin is a storyteller and he came into our school and told us some stories and some songs. He told us about a princess and a frog it was really funny the frog turned into a mouse,a fish,a man,a price and then he turned back into a frog. He sang a song called the ghost of Dundee it was really cool how he did the actions and stayed the words.

Japanese Day

On Thursday 15 December, we had a Japanese Day in class. Alicia is really interested in Japanese culture so she and Miss Slimmon planned a Japanese Day together for the rest of the class.

First, everyone researched Japanese food, culture, fashion, geography etc and made an information booklet. Next, Holly and Alicia taught the class how to count to 10 in Japanese and we played a game in the hall. Then we learned how to use chopsticks and tasted sushi after a presentation. In the afternoon, Alicia did a Manga art lesson and everyone got to draw their own characters. It was a great day. Here is a gallery of pictures –