Category Archives: Eco Schools

Trout Realease

Room 7 got given a number of 200 trouts to care for. We received them on the 18th January. A man called Willie came in every Tuesday until our release which was on the  11th march. Friday was  a very exciting day we all had 1-4 trouts in each tub and we walked down  to our local burn which was just down the lane. It was a lovely river and it will be a great home for the trout.

We had a great time and thank you so much Willie for all that you have done we had a wonderful time.

Healthy snacks class survey !

Our class is in charge of taking forward Health and Wellbeing for Eco Schools. Today Joshua and I went around the classes and asking them what would make eating fruit more exciting and encourage more children to buy fruit from the tuck shop. Josh and I thought Smoothies and Fruit Kebabs would make it more exciting. There were quite alot of great ideas and most people voted for smoothies.

Speed Limit Search

Today we went out with Miss Slimmon and Mrs Todd with speed guns that we borrowed and checked every vehicle’s speed for road saftey. It was awesome and it was funny when they honked. When they saw us, they all slowed down! The point of this is so we know if drivers understand the signs and check if they are following the speed limit.

The speed limit outside our school is 40 miles per hour, but when the lights flash, drivers have to go at 20 mph. We found that most drivers were doing the correct speed limit when we tested, but we thought that we would get a different result if they couldn’t see us in our high visibility jackets!