Thursday 30th May 2013

Sports Day was a huge success yesterday. The rain stayed away, the sun even shone! The boys and girls behaved impeccably and competed like top athletes; the enjoyment and enthusiasm was written all over their faces! Well done, everyone, for being such good sportsmen and women.

Mums, dads, grandparents, other family members and friends: you were fantastic spectators! Thank you for coming along to support the children.

I’m sure everyone who was there will agree that Scott and Heather from P5 were outstanding comperes and did an absolutely sterling job keeping us up to speed with the various events. Well done both of you!

Of course, a slick event like this doesn’t happen by accident. A huge amount of planning and preparation went into yesterday’s Sports Day and this was largely down to Mr Hughes. Thank you for all your time and effort, Mr Hughes – we couldn’t have done it without you.

Another reminder of the final Sports Day results:

1st – DRUMPELLIER with 442 points
2nd – MONKLANDS with 430 points
3rd – LOCHEND with 402 points
4th – SUMMERLEE with 334 points

Well done to Drumpellier, our sports champions of 2013!

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