Monday 20th May 2013

Good morning! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend.

Pupils, staff and visitors will be greeted by our fantastic new main entrance when they arrive at St Bartholomew’s this morning. The foyer has been fitted with brand new doors and floor to ceiling glass panels; this has flooded the whole area with light and created a bright, welcoming entrance to our school. New flooring will be fitted over the next few weeks, two large plants will be delivered today and a beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart has been donated by St Joseph’s Church in Stepps.

Our school community is continuing to collect items for ‘Mary’s Meals’ this week. Many thanks to everyone who donated stationery last week – there was a great response! We will be collecting toiletries between today and Thursday. Once again, donations of toothbrushes, toothpaste and bars of soap can be placed in the box outside the gym hall. The Prayer Group will use the various items we collect to make up backpacks in a few weeks time; these will then be sent to children in some of the poorest parts of the world.

An incubator, along with a number of eggs, arrived in the nursery this time last week. There was great excitement amongst the children as they watched them hatch and we now have five beautiful, fluffy, yellow chicks! Mrs Wheelan couldn’t resist volunteering to take our little friends home to look after over the weekend. Thankfully, she has brought them back safely and the boys and girls can enjoy watching the cute little chicks peck around throughout this week. Please check out tomorrow’s blog for photographs of the new arrivals!

Finally, a reminder that this is only a four day week: St Bartholomew’s will be closed on Friday 24th and Monday 27th.

Boys and girls, staff, parents, friends and chicks, have a great day!