Thursday 9th May 2013

Things were so rushed yesterday morning that I forgot to say welcome back to Mrs Gillooly!  Tut, tut, Mr Young!  GREAT TO HAVE YOU BACK IN ST BART’S, MRS GILLOOLY!

Today is Ascension Day and the whole school will be attending the 10am Mass at St Bartholomew’s Church.  Unfortunately, I have a number of meetings this morning, so will be unable to join the boys and girls.  However, I know they will all show their very best manners and behaviour and do the school proud, as always.

We welcome the parents and carers of our new P1’s to St Bartholomew’s later today for the first part of our Nursery-P1 transition programme.  This will take place in the music room at 1.30pm.  I’m very much looking forward to meeting you this afternoon and launching this final programme of events in preparation for your child beginning P1 in August.  A very warm welcome to St Bartholomew’s Primary!

Aidan and Ethan, two members of our Pupil Council, represented St Bartholomew’s at a special conference in Cumbernauld yesterday.  The conference was attended by pupils from all over North Lanarkshire and gave Aidan and Ethan the opportunity to explore the roles and responsibilities of Pupil Councils with boys and girls from lots of other schools.  While the boys were busy with their tasks and activities, Miss Lee got the chance to blether to Mr McCrorie, a good friend of mine from Woodlands Primary where I used to be Depute Head!  Aidan and Ethan will tell us a bit about the conference at this Friday’s assembly.

Wednesday 8th May 2013

Welcome back, everyone. Hope you had a great long weekend. It was fantastic to see the sunshine yesterday; fingers crossed it’s a sign of things to come!

We welcome a familiar face to St Bartholomew’s this afternoon. Our good friend, Mark Millar, will be visiting the school to discuss the investment he plans to make in our library and also look ahead to arrangements for a trip to the pantomime in Glasgow in December.

Primary 4 are making their very final preparations for the celebration of their First Holy Communion which will take place this coming Sunday. Please continue to remember the boys and girls in your prayers and, if at all possible, try to attend the 10am Mass at St Bartholomew’s Church on Sunday to offer them your support.

Once again, it’s lovely to see everyone back this morning. Have a great day.