Wednesday 29th May 2013

Sports Day has arrived…. and the forecast remains dry!  Things kick-off at 1pm and I look forward to seeing many of you at what is sure to be an exciting and fun afternoon!

Please excuse the foyer over the next couple of days.  The flooring was beginning to lift, so this has been ripped up and will be replaced this week.  Our new plants and statue have been temporarily relocated to just inside the front door.  However, everything will be back in place in our fully refurbished foyer in due course!  Thanks for your patience.

Many of our older pupils watched the film ‘Child 31’ last week which tells the story of the amazing work of ‘Mary’s Meals.’  One of our P6 girls, Erin, was so moved and inspired by what she saw, she went home, raised £40 by selling some of her toys, and then used the money to purchase a backpack, toiletries, stationery and other items to send to a needy child in Malawi.  What an amazing thing to do!  I’m sure Erin’s wonderful example will inspire  many more of us to support the work of this very worthwhile cause.  This week, we are collecting tennis balls and spoons to fill our backpacks.  However, the stationery and toiletries boxes are still outside the gym hall, so donations of these items can continue to be made.  Thank you, Erin, for being an inspiration to us all.

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