Tuesday 28th May 2013

Welcome back, everyone. Hope you all had a great long weekend.

I’m delighted to announce that our non-uniform day and coffee morning on Thursday raised the fantastic sum of £240 for ‘Mary’s Meals’. Well done, everyone, and many thanks to Mrs O’Neill and the Prayer Group for organising these two fundraising events.

The Parent Council AGM takes places this evening at 6pm. Please enter the school via the back door on Deveron Street. It would be fantastic to see some new faces tonight as we look ahead to the various projects we have planned for next session.

Sports Day takes place tomorrow afternoon from 1pm and all parents and carers are very welcome to come and join in the atmosphere. I can’t guarantee glorious sunshine, but the forecast is looking dry. As usual, chairs will be set up on the Tarmac just outside the main entrance. To ensure the smooth running of the event and the safety of pupils, the children will be required to stay in their designated area with the rest of their class throughout the afternoon – please do not encourage your child to leave their class to come and speak to you. Thank you. Children should make sure they have a water bottle as well as a sweatshirt or jacket to keep them warm when sitting between races. Many thanks to Mr Hughes for organising the event – I’m sure it’s going to be a great day!

One thought on “Tuesday 28th May 2013”

  1. Thank you for the information and we will keep our fingers crossed it is at least dry weather wise. Good luck to all who are taking part in the sports day.

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