As part of our topic on natural disasters p6/7 have been learning about earthquakes. We looked at some of the different ways in which buildings can be designed to sustain an earthquake with minimum damage. We then used this knowledge to create our own ‘earthquake proof’ towers using spaghetti and marshmallows.
Ladies Night Saturday 5 March
Ladies Night!
Disco, Karaoke and Raffles
Saturday 5 March 7.30-Late
Silver Larch
Tickets Available From School Office £5.00
Banana Sushi
Last week in primary 7 we were making crepes with Nutella and banana.We made them from scratch with flour, milk and an egg. We mixed them all together and poured the batter into the pan and waited for it to cook. We even attempted to flip the pancakes!
After they were cooked we spread on our Nutella. Then we put our banana at the end of our pancake and carefully rolled it up. Next we cut it into bite size pieces and finally we got to eat them. They were very tasty.
The reason we were cooking this particular recipe was because it has recently been Pancake Tuesday and also because Fairtrade fortnight is focusing on breakfast food. In addition bananas and chocolate are typically associated as Fairtrade produces.
When we were not cooking were writing poems about the things we love and drawing portraits of our self to go with them. (written by Leah and Alexis)
P1b plants topic
Persuasive Travel Brochures in p6/7
Telling the time using digital and analogue clocks
P4/5 have been working hard to tell the time. Today we have been consolidating our knowledge of converting digital and analogue clocks. We set up different stations in the class using a variety of resources and had great fun too!
Igloo fun on Friday
P4/5 made some super igloo models on Friday using paper plates, bowls, cups and some cotton wool.
Don’t miss our disco on Wednesday 17th February.
P1-3 from 6:30-7:30 and P4-7 , 7:45-8:45.
Come along and show us your dance moves.