Category Archives: * Responsible citizen

P2 Bug Hotel in Progress

Primary 2 were excited when the pallets to create their Bug Hotel finally arrived today.

They started filling each layer of the Bug Hotel with their mini pots and all the resources that people donated as well as the materials that they scavenged from the school grounds.

We still have alot of work to do to encourage creatures to come to our hotel. We can’t wait to finish it!

P2 Begin the Bug Hotel

We were making mini bug hotels today with Paula from The Hidden Garden – Chloe W

It was great fun in the garden – Paul

We found a big worm and we put it in a magnifying tub – Cameron

We saw a snail on the ground. We could put it in the bug hotel – Daisy

We put grass and straws in a plantpot to make nooks and crannies for the bugs – Caleb

We used moss and straws and carboard to fill up the gaps in our bug hotels – David Y

We saw a Blue Tit and its home is in the bird house – Dylan G

Outdoor Learning in P5

Primary 5 have been learning about angles in the school garden. They enjoyed looking for right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles and reflex angles.

We also loved working with Hidden Gardens to help develop our school gardens this week. We learnt about crop rotation and how to sow seeds. Hopefully our courgette, squash, french beans and runner beans will grow soon!

P2 Bug Hotel Planning!

As part of their garden topic, Primary 2 have began researching and planning the creation of a “Minibeast Sanctuary” in the school Sensory Garden. They know that encouraging insects and other small animals to the garden is good for the environment.

So far, the children have used the Internet to investigate different Bug Hotel designs and read about the sorts of materials that could be used for encouraging a range of wildlife. They have also drawn diagrams of how they would like the minibeast hide to look.

The boys and girls will scavenge for natural resources to make cosy crevices for the wildlife, although we would also appreciate donations of any of the resources listed below to help in the creation of the Bug Hotel.

Small plant pots, bamboo canes, clean bottles, some old building materials e.g bricks and drainage pipes. If you have any of these lying around your garden and would like to help us out, they would be much appreciated! bug-hotel-information


Kayden’s lovely plan