Category Archives: * Responsible citizen

Sports Leadership Learning

This afternoon, pupils from Primaries 4, 5, 6 and 7 came to their next block of learning about Sports and the aspects that surround this.

They were learning about First Aid as this is an important aspects to understanding the associated accidents that lead to small and larger injuries.   Today, the pupils had the opportunity to learn how to assess injuries, dress injuries to the body and the face, put the arm into a sling, put someone into the Recovery Position and also CPR.    This required some problem solving but they all worked very well with each other and also with the resources and equipment that was there for them to use.

As you can see from the photographs, I think that they all consider themselves to be confident First Aiders!

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P4 Sugar Rush!

Today, Primary 4 found out all about sugar.

We watched an informative video which told us all about the affect sugar can have on our bodies and learned that growing children should have no more than 16 grams of sugar per day.  We thought back to what we had eaten over the past 24 hours and were surprised to discover that many of us were over that limit! Take a look at some of your favourite treats and read the sugar content – you may get a shock!


P4 in the Garden!

The boys and girls went into the community garden today to see what has been growing in the vegetable patches. They were amazed by how many different things had grown over the summer! We tasted some fresh peas, apples and runner beans and plan to make a Nutriblast Smoothie tomorrow with vegetables from the garden. Stay tuned to see if our recipe is successful!

Delightful Debating

Primary 5 were very passionate when debating about saving the rainforest today. The children worked in groups to debate for and against saving the rainforest. They each took on a role of a character and explored ideas of meat processing companies who need the land for cattle ranches. We also had some Greenpeace campaigners who explained that 20% of our oxygen comes from the rainforest and that many animals and indigenous peoples’ homes are being destroyed.