Category Archives: Primary 5

Outstanding Volcanoes!!!!!

P5 have started a new topic about volcanoes . We have been researching different kinds of volcanoes and we wrote an introduction for our project. We watched a video about volcanoes erupting and it was very interesting. We then moved onto art to make our front covers for our volcano project. We made the front cover by drawing a volcano and then using watery paint and straws to blow the paint. This made it look like the volcano was erupting. We are excited to learn more about our new topic!

Written by Chloe and Bradley.

Christmas Around the World Presentations

In Primary 5 today we were presenting our research posters about Christmas in different countries. The countries we researched were France, Mexico, India, Japan, Scotland, Germany and Brazil. We researched how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in our countrie’s languages, we learnt what they call Santa, the food they eat at Christmas and we learnt about the decorations they put up. An interesting fact we learnt was that in India they decorate their house with mango leaves.

We wish you a Merry Christmas!! Can you guess what languages these are?

Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Felliz Natal, Frohe Weihnachten, Shimen Omedeta Kurisamasu Omedeto and Mer

ry Christmas.

Ready, Steady Cook in P5!

P5 have had a busy morning making cheese and bacon potato skins. First we had to cut cooked potatoes in half, then we had to scoop out the potato and put it into a bowl with some bacon. We mixed the potato and bacon together and used the mix to refill the potato skins. We then sprinkled some cheese on top.

Mrs Martin tasted our potato skins and we got to try them too.

Erin M and most of the class said- “It was so amazing! I will be making these at home!”

Primary 5 would like to say thank you to Mrs Green and Mrs Smith!

Feeling Festive

P5 are feeling very festive after a fun-filled day of Christmas activities! They enjoyed making christmas silhouette pictures with black and white paper. Thank you for making them with us Mrs Inglis!

Well done P5 and they look fab!

We also enjoyed our Christmas Party in all our fabulous outfits this afternoon.  We played lots of different games, won prizes and enjoyed some yummy snacks.

Swimming at the Tryst

P5 have had fun swimming and doing PE at the Tryst.

JA- I really liked when we got to swim on our backs and kick our legs.

Erin L and Macie- We really enjoyed the gym because we were learning handball skills and at the end we will get to play a game of handball.

Erin M and Chloe- It was really fun when we were swimming on our back. We are learning to do back stroke and front crawl.

P5 want to say thank you and that they really appreciate the opportunity to go swimming! We are so lucky!

P5 Auditions for the Talent Show

We have had a busy afternoon of auditions in P5 for Glenmanor’s Got Talent. Our enterprise committee pupils held the auditions acting as Cheryl Cole, Rita Ora and Simon Cowell. Well done to all the acts for your brilliant auditions! We have chosen our two final acts to enter in the competition and we wish luck to them. Our singing acts are The Two Little Mermaids and The League of Nations. Well done Primary 5!

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