Category Archives: Primary 5


Today in class we were making compass art. The compass we were using were for drawing circles with different size radius. This is how you use one:

step 1 get the compass.

step 2 sharpen your pencil.

step 3 untwist you compass untill you find a hole

step 4 get the sharp pencil and put the pencil in the hole.

step 5 twist it the other way.

step 6 put the compass on paper and you can draw a circle.

by Peter and Kayley

P5 Target Games

In primary 5 we have been working on our target games. We played a hockey game, a bowling game and a bean-bag throwing game. The way we played it was we set cones and had to dribble a ball with a hockey stick around the cones. We then had to shoot at the goals as our target. For the bowling we set up five bowling pins on each side we played in two teams. The first team to knock down all the other teams bowling pins won! And, last but not least, the bean-bag throwing. If you managed to throw your bean bag into the first set of cones you got 10 points, the second set of cones you got 20, and the last set of cones you got 30 points. If it slid past all the cones you got 0!

Written by Cameron and Shaye.

Fairtrade Pancake Party

The P4/5 worked really hard this afternoon to make Fairtrade pancakes for themselves and P5. The theme of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight is ‘sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers’ so we used Fairtrade products to make some pancakes! We thought about how even before we finish our breakfast in the morning we could have depended on half the world already! Have a think about where your breakfast comes from – you will be amazed!

We  then watched a Fairtrade video about the farmers and scoffed our pancakes! Well done P4/5!

P5 Learn to Blog

Primary 5 have started taking ownership over their own class blog posts this week. They have been learning about what a blog is and what information to include in a blog post. We also discussed the different topics we could blog about and looked at including our own opinions. We have set up a Glenmanor Blog display in the class where we write our own blog posts and share our learning. We have been encouraging eachother by commenting on the blog posts on our display.