Category Archives: PE Activities and Sport

Teamwork makes the dream work!

P1 are developing their teamworking skills in PE and in the classroom. They had to take turns to collect jigsaw pieces before completing the jigsaw puzzle as a team. I was so proud of your great effort today! 😀



This Week in P1


We had great fun learning all about the number 4.  We used the iPads, Lego and paint.  We also did a super job at helping Miss Scott to tidy up after all of our hard work.

Maths P1


We loved using finger torches during our reading lesson.   We shone the light on the words as we read them and this helped  us to follow the text.

Reading p1


In PE we worked very hard to move our bodies in a controlled way through Bilateral Integration activities. We gently tapped our partner’s arms or legs  and they had to lift the limb that was tapped.  This is also helping us with our concentration and our ability to follow instructions.untitled

Sports Day – Wednesday 1 June

We are all looking forward to sports day next week.  Fingers crossed the sun shines!  Sports day will take place on Wednesday 1 June (weather permitting).

9.15-10.30 – P3 and P4

10.45-12.00 – P1 and P2

1.00-3.00 – P5, P6 and P7

Children should come to school wearing suncream and bring a water bottle.

They should come to school wearing their sports clothes.


Primary 5’s First Week Back

Primary 5 have loved learning about our new topic- The Rainforest and Deforestation. We enjoyed looking at the 4 layers of the Rainforest- the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory and the forest floor.

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We have been making the most of the sunshine in PE. We worked together to measure how far we could jump in long jump. There are definitely some aspiring Olympic Athletes in the class!

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Sport Relief 11/3/16

Our captains and vice captains are working hard to plan am action packed day for Sport Relief 2016. Children are invited to pay £1 donation and wear their sports clothes and take part in a mile challenge on the day. Challenges include a 3 legged mile walk, an egg and spoon and dance challenge.

Sports challenges will be set up in the hall. They include space hopper races, beat the goalie and basketball rally. Children are asked to pay a £1 donation to access the challenges.

‘The Glenmanor Bake Off’ will also be a part of the day. Sign up details can be accessed on the attached letter.

Sport Relief