Category Archives: Nursery

P1 Enrolment 16/1/18 – Cancelled

Due to adverse weather conditions tonight’s P1 enrolment has been cancelled. If you are unable to attend on the following dates a nominated member can attend on your behalf. Failing that please contact the school office to make a suitable appointment. We apologise but this matter is out with our control.

Wednesday 17 January 9.00-10.00am and 2.00-3.00pm

Thursday 18 January 9.00-10.00am

Friday 19 January 9.00-10.00am

Child’s birth certificate and proof of address in the form of the current council tax bill must be produced.

Primary 1 Enrolment – 2018/ 19

Children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2018 and 28 February 2019 should be registered on one of the following time:

Monday 15 January 1.00-3.00pm

Tuesday 16 January 6.00-8.00pm

Wednesday 17 January 9.00-10.00am and 2.00-3.00pm

Thursday 18 January 9.00-10.00am

Enrolment will take place in the school foyer.

Child’s birth certificate and proof of address in the form of the current council tax bill must be produced.

Christmas Fayre – Saturday 25 November 9.00-12.00

We are very busy making plans for our annual Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25 November. We are trying hard to beat the amount of £2,000 raised last year.

Any donations of fancy goods, tombola items and bottles would be greatly appreciated.  Please send donations directly to Mrs Martin.

If you or a family member work for an organistion that may be able to make a donation but require a letter from the school please contact us directly.

Letters were issued today to allow you to volunteer and/ or arrange for your child to visit Santa.

Many thanks for your continued support in making our school the very best that it can be.

Nursery Parent/ Carer Appointments

Nursery parent/ carer appointment times are as follows:

Bumblebees – Monday 13 November

Butterflies – Tuesday 14 November

Caterpillars – Wednesday 15 November

Ladybirds – Thursday 16 November

Please let your child’s key worker know if the above date does not suit. Sign up sheets for appointment times are displayed in the foyer.

Forest School Fun

A huge thank you to Mrs Donald for planning and organising all of our forest school fun activities. Children have very much enjoyed learning outdoors. Many thanks for parents/ carers that attended. Without your support the forest kindergarten would not be possible. We appreciate your understanding of date changes to allow for staffing issues to be resolved.