Category Archives: Languages and Literacy

Writing Santa letters in Primary 3.



During taught writing today, Primary 3 wrote letters to Santa. The class really enjoyed this writing activity and their letters were fantastic! We paid close attention to our core targets and remembered to include capital letters and full stops in all sentences.


As as you can see the children are very proud of their letters. Super effort boys and girls.

P2 and their ‘Sense’ of Adventure!

Primary 2 had a great time in the Sensory Garden, Community Garden and Playground this morning. They took notes on their clip boards of things they experienced through their five senses.

Why not think about what you can “sense” in your own home?

The children smelled the herbs in the sensory garden. The lavender was very strong!

Taking notes on the clip board to help with a writing lesson later.

Smelling the fragrant plant in the Community Garden

Using the picnic benches in the sheltered area to finish our notes.

P2 Star Writers!

Here are some of the very proud Star Writers from the last few weeks! The children have written acrostic poems, sense poems and recount texts during taught writing time and are working hard on excellent presentation. Well done everyone!

Evacuee Letters

Primary 5 enjoyed writing letters as though they were an evacuee during World War II. The children used their learning from our Rememberance Day mini topic to write their letters. We tea stained some paper to make it look older and wrote our letters including information about; the journey to rural areas, what happened once we had arrived, what our billet families were like and jobs we did to help our families. Here are some sentences from the children’s work. Well done, all your letters are fantastic!

Cameron wrote- ‘When we arrived at the town hall we all got lined up. I was the last one to be picked.’

Chloe wrote- ‘The train journey was awful and I felt sick. My head was aching. I tried to get to the toilet but I couldn’t because the train was so crowded.’

Callum wrote- ‘I was so sad to go away from you and dad but it is so fun seeing a lot of strange things and funny animals. There is also a lot of land and grass.’

Taylor wrote- ‘The chickens escaped and I had to chase them. After that, we picked berries to make a pie that was yummy.’

P2 Learning French

Primary 2 are enjoying learning some French greetings. The boys and girls can ask and answer, “What is your name?” and, “How old are you?” in French. Practise asking and answering these questions with someone at home! We display the new vocabulary on our French window.

IMG_20151103_183431Sing along to a French song about greetings by searching, “French greetings song for children” on YouTube.IMG_20151103_210020