Category Archives: Languages and Literacy

Primary 1’s Poetry

Primary 1 were set the challenge of writing a poem which describes an animal. Each line should have had one adjective (describing word), one noun (naming word) and one verb (doing word).
Have a look at their great work.

Eight legs crawling
Tiny head staring
Beautiful web making
A spider – By Nicholas Adefemi

Spotty head nodding
Big eyes looking
Long tail wagging
A dog – By Leon Murawski

Long tail wiggling
Wet tongue licking
Sharp teeth eating
A dog – By William Topping

Tiny eyes staring
Sharp horns hurting
Big feet stomping
Enormous teeth crunching
A dinosaur – By Cameron Weir

Big trunk swinging
Massive ears flapping
Strong legs thumping
An elephant – By Ella Christie

Fluffy tail wagging
Strong legs hopping
Orange carrot crunching
A rabbit – By Tyler MacDonald

Fluffy ears flapping
Wet nose sniffing
long tail wagging
A dog – By Ellè Pollock

Little paws scratching
Quiet voice purring
Short tail wagging
A cat – By Isla McLean

Big wings flapping
Sharp teeth eating
Huge eyes looking
Yellow fire breathing
A dragon – By David Devenny

Back legs kicking
Big teeth munching
Black tail moving
A horse – By Kayden Pillar

Orange eyes looking
Big jaws eating
Black tongue licking
A Gruffalo – By Holly Walker

Big claws scratching
Black and white fur cuddling
Soft voice purring
A cat – By Sarah Flavell

Little tongue licking
Long tail wagging
Tiny eyes looking
A dog – By Sophia Rowland

Big jaws snapping
Scary eyes watching
Big feet stomping
A crocodile – By Riley Hammell

Big claws scratching
Loud voice miaowing
Big tail swishing
A cat – By Millie Reilly

Delightful Debating

Primary 5 were very passionate when debating about saving the rainforest today. The children worked in groups to debate for and against saving the rainforest. They each took on a role of a character and explored ideas of meat processing companies who need the land for cattle ranches. We also had some Greenpeace campaigners who explained that 20% of our oxygen comes from the rainforest and that many animals and indigenous peoples’ homes are being destroyed.

Learning in the Sunshine

Primary 5 have loved being able to learn in our fabulous gardens in the sunshine.

Expressive Arts

Today we were developing our skills in drawing still life objects. We looked at some of the flowers in our garden and discussed how everybody looks at an object differently. Some of us prefer to focus on the detail, whilst others like to look at the shapes and colours.

Taught Writing

We also enjoyed the sunshine whilst writing persuasive pieces of writing. We were trying to convince people to save the rainforests and to prevent deforestation.


We have also been very helpful in making sure our vegetables and plants are being watered in the garden.

Theme Park Posters

As part of our non-fiction block, we have been finding out about the important features of posters and leaflets,  looking at how organisations persuade and encourage customers to buy their good or services.  We had great fun looking at examples of posters and leaflets produced by theme parks, such as Alton Towers and Thorpe Park and decided to create our own theme park, creating attractive and interesting posters.

Data Handling and Poetry

Primary 5 have enjoyed a busy week learning about different poetry techniques. We have looked at rhyme, repetition, onomatopoeia, personification, similies and metaphors. We have created our own poems using the different techniques we have learnt.

We have also been working well with a partner to collect data by carrying out a survey. We then used our knoweldge of different graphs to choose the most approriate graph to present our data.


P1a have had a busy week!

P1 have enjoyed exploring the Little Red Riding Hood story as part of a mini traditional tales topic. They were able to describe the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. During purposeful play the children made a new basket for Little Red Riding Hood and made some great wanted posters.

The children have also been working very hard in literacy and all other curricular areas!


Primary 4 – Language and Literacy

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We have been working really hard on our group novels and reading books.  We have been using a variety of reading strategies to work out the meaning of tricky words and looking at how an author uses inference  to get a message across to the reader.  We had great fun using the Internet to research animals linked to our books, such as wolves (The Last Wolf), African Elephants (Poppet) and owls (The Baby Owls).  Then we created our own fact files, posters and character profiles.

World Book Day

P5 have had lots of fun completing different World Book day activities. We took part in a character parade and quiz. We designed a front cover for a book with the title “Ocean Monsters”, wrote a blurb about the story and created a character description. We took part in a book swap with our friends in class and we have designed a book token and a bookmark! We have been busy bees! Everyone who dressed up looked fab too!