Category Archives: Christmas

Carols by Candlelight Reminder

This event will be held in the SCHOOL HALL on Thursday 14th December. ALL choir members from both Mrs Cobbin’s JUNIOR choir and Mrs MacGregor’s SENIOR choir should meet in the learning kitchen from 6.00pm onwards for a 6.30pm start. Mince pies and tea/coffee will be served for adults at the back of the hall. The carol service should last between 45 minutes and one hour. There is no charge for this event and we are asking that as many choir children attend as possible.  Children should wear their school uniform but can feel free to wear Christmas jumpers and headwear.

All parents, carers and family members will be made very welcome. Please feel free to join us for this event to get you in the Christmas spirit!

Choir Events

The junior and senior choir are very busy over the next few weeks so please take note of the important information below for this week and next week.


This event will be held in the school hall on Thursday 14th December. ALL choir members from both the junior and senior choirs should meet in the learning kitchen from 6.00pm onwards for a 6.30pm start. Mince pies and tea/coffee will be served for adults at the back of the hall. The carol service should last approximately 45 minutes.


All choir children will leave the school at approximately 1.00pm and walk to Moodiesburn Church for a 1.30pm start. The children will sing along with St Michael’s School Choir and hear from Mark McKeown the minister. Children will walk back to school and should be collected as normal at 3.00pm from the school.

Parents/Carers, please feel free to come and be our captive audience and soak up the Christmas atmosphere! 🎄🎅