All posts by Mrs Roebuck

Easter Egg Craft.

Today in p7 we have been making arts and crafts for Easter including felt Easter eggs. We have made some very interesting designs. From Arun

I have really enjoyed working on our fun Easter activity especially sewing our own Easter eggs from scratch. Dillon

I had lots of fun making my Easter egg it was tricky, my favourite thing was the colouring in of the detailed Easter egg patterns. From Monique

We were learning design and technology skills and worked really hard to create, design and sew our own felt Easter eggs. Well done primary 7 some of them turned out beautiful. Miss Farrelle1567478-e01d-46b4-a9ca-780b6e2182f2 0e6afc9a-7d32-4cee-9e17-5653be3d75b6 9b959ada-7f2a-47c1-b053-082407371dd9 8802c04b-c848-471e-b167-3dc41670cd50 86714b41-12d8-438a-961c-349594fdad7d


Today in p7 we had a parent’s open day. Our task was to build an earthquake proof building using marshmallows, straws and toothpicks. In addition the criteria stated that our buildings should be at least 25cm tall and have two stories. Once we had finished our buildings we tested them out by putting them on a tray of jelly and shaking the tray. If the building did not collapse then we would have a second test by putting a weight on it if it didn’t collapse with a weight on it we would put another weight on! During our task we had a false earthquake alarm and we all got under the tables and pulled our chair in, all the parents began to laugh (which you really shouldn’t do if there is a real earthquake.)  We had a good result, none of buildings fell down!!!!   2b68a5f0-8986-42d5-8937-3dcd13f4a4297d282409-2cc6-406b-90b0-ac846e4e54762d05bc19-0941-4596-b5cf-c4953d849594 68bdbe67-9132-4f99-84fd-60854ddd5d9b 346c040f-aac8-4ec7-86ce-c9507e1fc488 c23dc34a-026e-4719-9784-dcb34fc8ee14 fe311234-a81b-4943-81a2-36b0db2eed60

By Skye and Zoe

Banana Sushi

Last week in primary 7 we were making crepes with Nutella and banana.We made them from scratch with flour, milk and an egg. We mixed them all together and poured the batter into the pan and waited for it to cook. We even attempted to flip the pancakes!

After they were cooked we spread on our Nutella. Then we put our banana at the end of our pancake and carefully rolled it up. Next we cut it into bite size pieces and finally we got to eat them. They were very tasty.

The reason we were cooking this particular recipe was because it has recently been Pancake Tuesday and also because Fairtrade fortnight is focusing on breakfast food. In addition bananas and chocolate are typically associated as Fairtrade produces.

When we were not cooking were writing poems about the things we love and drawing portraits of our self to go with them. (written by Leah and Alexis)


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