All posts by Mrs Martin

Nursery Parent/ Carer Appointments

Nursery parent/ carer appointment times are as follows:

Bumblebees – Monday 13 November

Butterflies – Tuesday 14 November

Caterpillars – Wednesday 15 November

Ladybirds – Thursday 16 November

Please let your child’s key worker know if the above date does not suit. Sign up sheets for appointment times are displayed in the foyer.

Scottish School Meals Week

We are participating in Scottish School Meals week by delivering a themed menu for 3 days.

Please share the following changes with your child:

Wednesday 1 November – Meet Free Day – Lentil Soup, Quorn Tikka and Rice and Cheese and Tomato Pizza, Swiss roll and custard plus any drink £2

Thursday 2 November – Hot Dog Meal Deal – This is a new product for theme days only – Hotdog or Tomato Pasta, plus soup or dessert plus any drink £2

Friday 3 November – Favourite Friday – Fish and Chips and Cheese and Tomato Toastie

Please note – No change to cold options

Holiday Clubs

There are three holiday clubs running this summer. Moodiesburn Church Centre are offering Mega Makers form 8-11 August.

New Beginnings Church Upside Down Kingdom Holiday Club is from 31 July-4 August from 2.00pm-4.00pm.

Registration for the Pivot Summer Programme was Tuesday 20 June. Monday to Thursdays 11am to 3.00pm. Contact Caroline Simpson on 01236 874941 to discuss availability.