Today P4/5 investigated the different types of triangles. We made equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angled triangles out of playdoh!
All posts by Mrs Fisher
P4/5 Homework Week Beg 23.11.15
We have been learning all about shape. This week can you create a pattern using a shape that tessellates? Can you spot some examples of tessellation in your house?
Possession Games fun
In P.E we have been focussing on our possession games skills. Today we had great fun trying to keep possession in our teams whilst playing football.
3D shape properties
P4/5 are learning about 3D shape this week. Today we investigated the properties of some of the shapes. We used vocabulary associated with 3D shapes such as faces, vertices and edges.
Digestive System Experiment
We had messy fun this afternoon finding out about the digestive system. We carried out an experiment to see how it works in our bodies!
P4/5 Maths homework week beg 16.11
We will be learning all about shape over the next few weeks. For homework this week have a go at some of these games and see what 3D shapes you can identify and the properties of each.
Have fun!
P4/5 Numeracy Homework week beg 9.11.15
It is Puzzle time P4/5, click on the link below to have a go at some Triangle Puzzles. Use your knowledge of addition and subtraction to complete the puzzles.
P4/5 Izak 9 fun
We had a fun filled afternoon using Izak 9. We did the ABC 123 task and had to put the single digit numbers in alphabetical order! It took us a while to work it out but we got there!
Skeleton fun at home
This P4/5 pupil used his superb knowledge of the human body to create a skeleton at home using Lego! He thought about the different bones and which Lego pieces would best represent each. A wonderful piece of work, well done!
Joints joints joints
P4/5 were learning all about the joints in the body today. We watched a video on the types of joints in the body then had great fun drawing round people in the class and identifying all of the joints on the body!